Thursday, 28 June 2012


This post is dedicated to the students who are preparing for the CA(India) exams. This post will help these students find answers to the three fundamental questions, When to prepare, What to prepare, How to prepare. I believe, this post will make the preparations more joyful, positive and Focused.

How to become Chartered Accountant ?

Anyone who have cleared 10th standard by 35% can get himself/herself registered in India from any of the ICAI (The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India) branch. And after appearing for 12th standard exams you can Give the Entrance exam for it Called CPT i.e. Common Proficiency Test and after clearly it you can join for IPCC (Integrated Professional Competence Course) in that you can appear after 9 months for the exam and after clearly any one group of papers, any individual can join Internship under a C.A. and do interns for 3.5 years, and then finally you can become a C.A.

Is it a Curse or a disguised blessing ?
      Let me ask a very simple question, what is the biggest boon and curse which ICAI can give to its students ? 
      Surprisingly, I have two answers for both of these questions, and even more surprisingly, both the answers are exactly the same. No, the answer is not a difficult accountancy paper or easy paper checking. Nor it is the other surprises in examination hall.
      Enough guesses made, now without much wait let me answer these questions, the boon and curse i am talking about are 'All India level rank in CA exams' and 'An attempt (failure) in exams'. Shocking , But true. Yes, you got it absolutely right, here an all India rank is equated with an attempt in exam.

     All should always remember a priceless thought given by Mr. Shiv Khera for a successful life, "WINNERS NEVER DO DIFFERENT THINGS, BUT THEY DO THINGS DIFFERENTLY".

     To sum up, I would like to say, It is not the outcome, but reaction to that outcome that matters. Good Luck to All. Have a Great Life ahead.

Tuesday, 5 June 2012


Kabīr (Kabīra) (Hindi: कबीर, Punjabi: ਕਬੀਰ, Urdu: کبير‎) was a mystic poet and saint of India, whose writings have greatly influenced the Bhakti movement. The name Kabir comes from Arabic al-Kabīr which means 'The Great' - the 37th name of God in Islam.

Apart from having an important influence on Sikhism, Kabir's legacy is today carried forward by the Kabir Panth ("Path of Kabir"), a religious community that recognizes him as its founder and is one of the Sant Mat sects. Its members, known as Kabir panthis, are estimated to be around 9,600,000. They are spread over north and central India, as well as dispersed with the Indian diaspora across the world, up from 843,171 in the 1901 census.[2] His writings include Bijak, Sakhi Granth, Kabir Granthawali and Anurag Sagar.

 It is known that he was brought up in a family of Muslim weavers. He was found by a Muslim weaver named Niru and his wife, Nima, in Lehartara, situated in Varanasi. They adopted the boy and taught him the weaver's trade. According to Kabir, all life is an interplay of two spiritual principles. One is the personal soul (Jivatma) and the other is God (Paramatma). It is Kabir's view that salvation is the process of bringing these two divine principles into union.

Sant Kabir is considered to be one of the greatest poets as well as mystics ever born in India. He believed that human beings are equal and being one with God is the ultimate aim of every individual. His love and devotion towards the Supreme One clearly reflects in his poetry. The Holy Guru Granth Sahib contains over 500 verses by the great saint, Kabir. Amongst the several saints that have blessed our country, Kabir Das, the well known mystic poet, deserves a major credit for bringing about a revolution. He was a man of principles and practiced what he preached. People called him by different names like Das, sant, bhakta etc. As Das, he was referred to as the servant of humanity and thus a servant of divinity.

Kabir played the role of a teacher and social reformer by the medium of his writings, which mainly consisted of the two line verses called Dohas. 

One of his great poem :

Friend, Wake Up! Why Do You Go On Sleeping?

Friend, wake up! Why do you go on sleeping?
The night is over— do you want to lose the day
the same way?
Other women who managed to get up early have
already found an elephant or a jewel...
so much was lost already while you slept...
and that was so unnecessary!

The one who loves you understood, but you did not.
You forgot to make a place in your bed next to you.
Instead you spent your life playing.
In your twenties you did not grow
because you did not know who your Lord was.
Wake up! Wake up! There's no one in your bed—
He left you during the long night.

Kabir says: The only woman awake is the woman
who has heard the flute! 

To know more about Kabir visit :